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Showing posts from October, 2008

Shutters 2008

2008 rebuilding of the shutters during my month off. The old shutters. Left is the one that nearly fell off the house when the hinge rotted off. Same process happening on the right one. Middle is my first attempt at rebuilding the shutters c. 2004. It weathered well, but you can see I did not a great job. The central gap is way too wide, I was trying to compensate for the fact that modern 1x8's are not 8" wide. New version made form 1x10's. We used the ripped off extra to make the cross-braces. This photo was taken in my father-in-laws basement, where my father-in-law mostly manufactured them with all his nifty toys. Thanks Rami! Painting was a long and arduous process. Here all six are finally ready to go after 50,000 coats of paint. Hinges on, sealed, and painted... so they went up today. Hopefully they won't rot out the same way. The screws for the hinges were put in through a bead of silicone and them painted over in an attempt to keep the wat...